Boutique Special Events Production and Media Design
WCA Works Closely With Non-Profit Organizations
Continuing a long-standing tradition, WCA reaffirmed its commitment to supporting military and veteran families with its expanded corporate citizenship program. In 2019, we increased monetary and volunteer support in collaboration with nonprofit organizations that focus on service members, veterans, and their families.
“WCA holds a deep connection to our armed forces. "With our military family history,” said WCA CEO Chuck Credo IV. “I am proud of our commitment and support that directly impact current and former military personnel and their families. We offer our appreciation for their dedication, determination, sacrifice, and service.”

"The goal of our philinthropic efforts is to provide funds and awareness to pressing issues for many Americans. We especially love our Veterans - a group of heroes who have given everything to fight for our freedoms. We are proud of our military family history, and we focus our efforts to help all of those who have served our country."
Chuck Credo IV - WCA CEO

WCA welcomes World War II Veterans
The Louis Armstrong International Airport, The National World War II Musem, and WCA Entertainment welcomed World War II Veterans to New Orleans as a part of The Soaring Valor program from the Gary Sinise Foundation.